23 Oct 2024
African Think Tank

Association For Strategic Culture and Research Foundation

African Think Tank
New U.S. travel rules excludes foreigners vaccinated with Russia's Sputnik V
Associated Press news report headlined - Russians flock to Serbia for Western-made Covid-19 Vaccines – described families from Rostov-on-Don located in southern Russia, wanted to visit the West, looked for a vaccine that would allow them to travel freely - a quest that brought them to Serbia.
13 October, 2021
The African Union Should Resolve Somaliland’s Status
Joshua Meservey, senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, advocated in a recent policy paper that the United States recognize Somaliland as an independent state
14 November, 2021
What Went Wrong With Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine Rollout?
In August 2020, Russia was the first country to announce the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. Since then, a relentless publicity blitz has promoted the attributes of the Sputnik V vaccine. However, Sputnik V has struggled to gain mass acceptance inside Russia, let alone in other countries where it is marketed as an alternative to vaccines developed by Western and Chinese pharmaceutical firms.
24 November, 2021
The Russia-Africa Situation Analysis Report
The report proposes that dialogues should be enhanced between civil societies, including expert and academic organizations. In a situation where a rapid expansion of trade and economic relations is difficult (for example, due to economic stagnation or a crisis in the respective country), the humanitarian track can become one of the ways to deepen relations further.
15 December, 2021
United Nations Secretary General Holds Talks in Moscow and Kyiv on Ukraine War
Obviously, the U.S. and NATO actions indicate that the Biden administration and its European allies are not interested in a speedy conclusion to the war in Ukraine. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the EU has created a crisis in Western Europe where several leading states such as Germany are continuing, out of necessity, to purchase oil and natural gas from the Russian Federation.
3 May, 2022
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