23 Oct 2024
African Think Tank

Association For Strategic Culture and Research Foundation

African Think Tank
Treasuring Africa’s Seas and Oceans
As an island nation state totally surrounded by the ocean, Seychelles considers water bodies worthy of special status and recognises them to be among Africa’s most prized natural assets.
30 September, 2021
The Impact of Climate Change on Africa’s Economies
The ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) should specifically address the climate change impact on Africa or failing that the African Union (AU) should call for an Africa-specific conference to address this issue.
4 November, 2021
COP26 Summit Fails to Take Decisive Action on Climate Change
Another annual international conference on the climate crisis ended on November 13 in Glasgow, Scotland where a contentious debate over the final document revealed fundamental differences on key issues.
18 November, 2021
Egypt Moves Center Stage
COP27 is to be held in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh on the south-eastern edge of the Sinai peninsula. Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in making his bid to host it, said that Egypt would work to make it “a radical turning point in international climate efforts in coordination with all parties, for the benefit of Africa and the entire world.”
30 November, 2021
Why APEC Still Matters More Than Ever
The United States and China both have skin in the APEC game. The setting in which they must deal is multilateral, and their dealings are on full display to all other 19 members. APEC is not a negotiating forum that delivers formal inter-state agreements or has legal supra-national authority. It gives equal voice to, and requires consensus among, all its members, large, small and middling. It is no accident that the Biden-Xi summit follows hard on the heels of APEC.
2 December, 2021
Financing Africa’s Post-Covid-19 Development
The financing needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) estimated at $2.5trillion for developing countries, was substantial even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exacerbated the financing challenges. According to the 2021 OECD Global Outlook, the annual SDG financing gap in developing countries is estimated to have increased by $1.7 trillion, or roughly 70%, in 2020
27 December, 2021
Africa in Review 2021 (Part III) : Unification is Essential to Progress and Development
Of course, Dr. Nkrumah during the years between 1945-1972, wrote extensively on the necessity of African unification. The union of African governments and people would encompass the national economies, the trade unions, youth, women, military institutions and the establishment of a continental market based in socialist planning.
1 January, 2022
US-China Sustainable Infrastructure Collaborative Opportunities: Green Partnerships Must Begin In Africa
The United States has an opportunity to work closely with African nations and China to implement new infrastructure projects sustainably. The US must take advantage of China’s rhetoric on adherence to new environmentally friendly practices. The ‘green’ way must become the only way to conduct infrastructure projects.
13 January, 2022
The slow construction of Africa’s Great Green Wall
The Great Green Wall is “an African-led movement with an epic ambition to grow an 8,000km natural wonder of the world.” Emerging in 2007 from a joint effort conceived by the African Union, the Great Green Wall is a pan-African movement focused on the rehabilitation and revitalization of the once lush and productive stretch of land. The project was announced with much fanfare and was portrayed as a renewed lease on life and a biologically-centered plan to combat severe desertification. Designed to run from Senegal to Djibouti, this wall was intended to halt the cycles of environmental degradation, poverty, and violence now running rampant across the continent
30 January, 2022
Climate Change Impacting Southern Africa from Malawi to Madagascar
The countries of Mozambique, Malawi and Madagascar contribute almost nothing to the advent of climate disasters. These states should be assisted with relief efforts and the building of infrastructure designed to minimize the impact of cyclones and other serious weather disturbances.
24 March, 2022
South African KwaZulu-Natal Province Imperiled by Flooding
These living arrangements are part and parcel of the continuing legacy of the former racist apartheid system which was rooted in segregation to facilitate the super-exploitation of African labor. Africans and other people of color communities were placed in areas of the country which were away from the central cities.
28 April, 2022
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